Prayer Pioneers
In the High Places
"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed."
– Hudson Taylor
Thank you for taking extra time to learn about some of the history of God’s forerunners into the High Places. God has invested in this region with some exceptional missionaries.
Life Invested in Punjab/Pakistan:
“Praying John Hyde” as he was called, nearly prayed himself to death sowing thousands of tear-soaked prayers into the soil.
Life Invested in Tibet: The Apostle of the Bleeding Feet
Sadhu Sunder Singh laid his life down for the salvation of Tibet, planting his heartfelt prayers during his difficult barefoot treks across the mountainous region.
As you read their stories, ask yourself a question, “Is it possible that all their prayers weren’t answered in their lifetime?” The Apostle Paul wrote, “Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3)
So you can see the region is bookended by a heavy investment of God’s choice prayer warriors. And the question arises, do you think there are prayer seeds sown by Hyde and Singh many years ago, that you and I can ask God to grow today?
Together with you, before Him,
Your Brothers and Sisters for the High Places Prayer Patrol