"History Belongs to the Intercessor."
Welcome to High Places Prayer. You have arrived at a prayer site where YOU have the chance to make history with your prayers! You might ask,
“What are the High Places?”
They are the mountains running from Tibet across the India side of the Hindu Kush to Pakistan and Afghanistan. You are joining a team of brothers and sisters who are already working in these high places. We believe that,
Prayer is the only adequate way to multiply our efforts
fast enough to reap the harvest God desires.” (Dr. Duewel)
There are mission specialists who believe that some of the principalities that rule the world reside here. As you will soon learn, a full range of religions is practiced across the High Places, from Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and tribal spirit worship (also known as animism.)
We are calling YOU to join us in heartfelt prayer for spiritual breakthroughs in these remote, tough and beautiful mountain tops. Help us to sustain prayer for the High Places by joining the 31-day prayer journey!
Thank you for praying! Let’s make some history for Jesus.
Your Brothers and Sisters for High Places Prayer